Thursday, September 26, 2013

September 26 (Update #1) : Texts + Images + Analysis

More news is coming in, there is chatter is that the Government is planning on shutting down the internet for 48 hours! they really are trying to cage any news to be let out of there.
This is the last text I got today

10:19am, Sep 26 - Sudan Revolts: Live ammo now being used on demonstrators in Alshajara via@girifna


Via Facebook, my dear friend and fellow musical activist Ramey Dawoud has informed us that his uncle Salah Dawoud has been shot by Sudan security police.
Uncle Salah is a 60 year old handicapped elder, who wasn't event protesting.

So far today, they have shot the 14 year old children (who represent our Future) and the 60 year old elder (who represent our History).
And there is NO doubt, there are many others who we have not heard of as of yet.


Here is the protest song by Ramey & I .
"System Down"

Sudan Speaks, Can you hear hear?

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